Re: Mantenimiento a un server
Suerte, cualquier cosa lo reportas y te ayudamos como podamos. Un saludo
View ArticleRe: Removed LUNs still showing on one FC path
Did you remove/unpresent the LUNs without first detaching them from each of the hosts?Were these LUNs used/formatted as VMFS datastores? André
View ArticleRe: Problem changing root password with Invoke-VMScript
I see, but when the VM is not powered on, you won't be able to use Invoke-VMScript.Perhaps an OSCustomizationSpec, that you change for each VM deployment (provided you need different passwords), could...
View ArticleRe: Removed LUNs still showing on one FC path
Hi. Yes i have deleted them first. And rescanned the HBA on the hosts. If i try to rescan the HBA it takes forever and returns an error.Can this be fixed somehow?Best regards!
View ArticleChange vSphere Web Client Default Port from 9443 to any other port
How can i change vSphere Web Client Default Port from 9443 to any other port in Windows Based vmware web client server after the installation of web client and in vCenter appliance as well?
View Articleblues screen -install 8.1 enterprise-
JULY preview Workstation.New 8.1 Enterprise: Windows 8.1 Enterprise Preview Now Availableblue screen...
View ArticleRe: power-on network adapters script
I see.The following can set the Connected and StartConnected tickbox. Get-VM|Get-NetworkAdapter|where {!$_.ConnectionState.StartConnected}...
View ArticleRe: Problem changing root password with Invoke-VMScript
Actually, the script works when the VM is powered off. The password is changed to the desired password but only that the script returns non-zero code because of the copy command failure. If I run the...
View ArticleRe: Scripting on a multitenant vCDirector environment
Hi Jake,it was exactly what I was looking for!Thanks a lot!Best,Raffaello
View ArticleRe: New e.x.p. build 1245816 breaks multi-monitor support
Hi Carl, in the multimon menu, only the graphics changed between the previous preview release and this one; the implementation did not, so I can't think of a reason why you wouldn't be able to switch...
View ArticleRe: QueryChangedDiskAreas crashes for one VM
Hi intripoon,I just recently installed that VM. The Hardware Version is 8. Now, another VM got affected by this. Any suggestions?OK let's see if we can hunt this down now. The good news is that I was...
View ArticleRe: Preparing an Active Directory–based Authorization Store for vCAC
I used the following string in my environment: msldap://realchadc01:389/CN=vCACAzManStore,DC=Realize,DC=Net my domain controller is realchadc01 in the domain. The first time I did it, I was...
View ArticleRe: MAC address problems VMWARE Fusion on OS 10.8.4
I upgraded to OS 19.8.4 and then had to upgrade to VMWARE Fusion 5.0.3. Since then I have a problem with the MAC address. I had discussed this back in 2011 and thought I had the answer by just...
View ArticleRe: Removed LUNs still showing on one FC path
Hi. I think that the error might be because of the error i get: An error occurred while communicating with the host. Call "HostDatastoreSystem.QueryAvailableDiskForVmfs" for object "datastoreSystem-31"...
View ArticleRe: The VMDK chain gets broken after using VixDiskLib_CheckRepair() for a...
Hi RManickam, That sounds all perfectly logical to me. The VDDK docs also tell us not to open intermediate child disks in R/W mode because of the exact same problem you are describing. So my question:...
View ArticleRe: New e.x.p. build 1245816 breaks multi-monitor support
Thanks. Yes, when it happens, I do see two occurrences. I've restarted the hose (and client) twice now without luck.
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