Is it possible to virtualize OS 9 or OS 8 on Mac OS X using VMWare Fusion 4?
Hi. I have VMWare Fusion 4 and was wondering if I obtained the installer discs for OS 9 or OS 8, would I be able to virtualize them on my MacBook Pro running OS X Lion?
View ArticleRe: 2 vSphere Essential Plus для одной компании
Нет, отказоустойчивость основного сервиса реализуется архитектурой самого сервиса (во как загнул %) ), вторичные сервисы будут реплицироваться через vSphere Replication.
View ArticleRe: Linking installed program to ThinApp package?
I want to link this application - which is already portable to my Net Framework package. How can i do this?
View ArticleRe: Realtek-network on ESXI
Dear Anre,i do really need to install ESXI nativaly, the test lab has 6 GB memory and I3 CPU, installing ESXI on a virtual machine is no option for me,
View ArticleRe: Pre allocate all required size to a new macchine
By default VMware Player doesn't create pre-allocated virtual disks, and what you most likely see is a 12MB (rather than GB) .vmdk file. This file can/will grow up to ~100GB if required. André
View ArticleRe: 2 vSphere Essential Plus для одной компании
Собственно планируется публичный сервис растянутый на 2 площадки, мелкие внутренние сервисы - да, будут работать на одной площадке и на вторую реплицироваться через vSphere Replication
View ArticleCannot load URL for vcloud director after installation
Hi All, I am having a problem in accessing the url for my vcloud director. When I try to load the url (http://vcloud_director_ip or http://vcloud_director_ip/cloud), I receive the ssl certificate...
View ArticleRe: Realtek-network on ESXI
No problem, I just wanted to mention this option.Anyway, if I were you, I'd get a working NIC like one mentioned in the links posted by Mustafa. You can get such NICs for a few $$ and can avoid...
View ArticleRe: Бездискова загрузка серверов Supermicro
То-есть предлагаете не париться с загрузкой с СХД а грузиться с обыкновенной флешки? Тут еще надо учесть такой момент, что сервера будут находиться далеко в другой стране и хотелось бы что бы способ...
View ArticleRe: Is it possible to virtualize OS 9 or OS 8 on Mac OS X using VMWare Fusion 4?
No, however have a look at: SheepShaver
View ArticleRe: Pre allocate all required size to a new macchine
I understand the player does not pre allocate virtual disks - but this is exactly the problem...In "regular" scenario, in which the VM is installed with OS from scratch, it is good enough. But here -...
View ArticleFind ESX servers in vCenter
Hi All,I want to find out all ESX servers grouped under a particular vCenter programmatically(C#). If I can enumerate all data centers, I can extent that concept to find out ESX servers also.Could you...
View ArticleRe: Pre allocate all required size to a new macchine
It actually doesn't matter whether the disk space on the host is pre-allocated or not. In either case, the guest will only be able to use the provisioned disk space, i.e. the virtual disk size you...
View ArticleProblems installing Windows 7 64 bit on Fusion 5.0.3
I am trying to install Windows 7 64 bit under Fusion 5.0.3. The install appears to start but once I get asked about starting the install, I get an error screen that says it cant find a required CD/DVD...
View ArticleRe: Problems installing Windows 7 64 bit on Fusion 5.0.3
This typically occurs with a corrupted ISO image. Please verify the checksum of the downloaded image and download it again if required. André
View ArticleRe: Realtek-network on ESXI
i had of checked the HD compantibilty before i order this test LAB machine,is Intel Pro 1000 gonna work?!
View ArticleRe: VMware 5.1 passthrough problem
You need to configure the pcihole paremeter in the vmx-file, look at this thread:VMDirectPath and ATI Radeon // Linjo
View ArticleRe: Pre allocate all required size to a new macchine
I think there's a slight misunderstanding ...I am not asking for how to use more space than provisioned The provisioned disk space is 102G, whereas the image I am trying to restore was taken from a...
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Poznaj vSphere with Operations Management - uznaną platformę wirtualizacji serwerów, wzbogaconą o zintegrowane mechanizmy monitoringu i zarządzania. Zapraszamy do udzialu w wydarzeniu, wiecej info i...
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