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Re: ESX / DATASTORE details in inventory list.


Get-VMHost | Foreach-Object {

    ## get the GenericMeasureInfo for this host's datastores, to be used for the output

    $mioThisHostsDStoreInfo = Get-Datastore -VMHost $_ | Measure-Object -Property CapacityGB,FreeSpaceGB -Sum

    $dblCapGB = ($mioThisHostsDStoreInfo | ?{$_.Property -eq "CapacityGB"}).Sum        ## datastore capacity

    $dblFreeGB = ($mioThisHostsDStoreInfo | ?{$_.Property -eq "FreeSpaceGB"}).Sum    ## datastore free

    Select -InputObject $_ @{n="hostname"; e={$_.NetworkInfo.HostName}},

        @{n="IP"; e={($_.NetworkInfo.VirtualNic | ?{$_.ManagementTrafficEnabled -eq $true -and $_.IP}).IP}},


        @{n="CputAvailableMhz"; e={$_.CpuTotalMhz - $_.CpuUsageMhz}},MemoryTotalGB,MemoryUsageGB,

        @{n="MemAvailableGB"; e={$_.MemoryTotalGB - $_.MemoryUsageGB}},

        @{n="TotalDStoreSizeGB"; e={$dblCapGB}},

        @{n="DStoreUsedGB"; e={$dblCapGB - $dblFreeGB}},

        @{n="DStoreAvailableGB"; e={$dblFreeGB}},

        @{n="PNicCount"; e={($_.NetworkInfo.PhysicalNic | Measure-Object).Count}}

} ## end foreach-object



Export-Csv -Path "VMs.csv" -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture



i am not able to export the output into csv file and i dnt know what you mean here " uncommited space" using  your script i can get the total , free and available spaces also.

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