I have some Gemfire queries given below:
1. While working with functionExecution, we put the data into region and registered a function "MultigetFunction" which implements Function in one jvm. In another jvm we are invoking the execute method registered function in first jvm. Although we are getting the result back (same data which was put to region), but don't you think it is simple putting in region and getting from region, what is the CORE use of FunctionExecution.
2. How can we expose a method which takes n number of inputs (primitive and object type and also a collection) and return some data using the FunctionExecution (on same or two different machines)
3. What is the difference in running a locator explicitly and mcast, do they both both follow TCP/IP or UDP mechanism for communication.
4. In order to configure gemfire in tomcat7, do we need to add all the gemfire.properties in server.xml or is there any other separate file.
5. I tried to use and deploy a web application using STS3.2.0 but it gave some errors and I could not import the project, is it because of the gradle support (means do we need to build the project using gradle build tool only). What configuration do we need to have SpringTestSuit 3.
6.How can we have a separate Gemfire server "S" deployed onto tomcat or WLS and data is sent from machine "M1" to S and fethced in machine "M2" (all webapps deployed onto Tomcat7 or WLS1034).
a. How can we achieve this.
b. What topology is best suited for this scenario
c. What should be the memory requirement for this assuming huge data (GBs) apart from JVM memory and tomcat memory
7. By Nature Gemfire caching is distributed then how is it different from partiotioned and client/server because replicated does not cache (persist) the data but instead it shares (makes a complete copy)
8. Can we have a small ppt to give a presentation to higher management about Gemfire. Please provide us the link.