1.) How did you configure your 6 ESXi 5.1 servers to send logs to Log Insight?
I used the method described in the admin guide, i.e. configure-esxi -u 'my-vc-user' -s myvc.mydomain.com -t udp://loginsight.mydomain.com:port. I have tried using UDP as the transport method and got the same results.
2.) How do you know that not all logs are being collected?
If I tail the vmkwarning log for any of the hosts that have been added to Insight, I can see events no longer than 2 hours old.
3.) What do you mean you are unable to view these logs interactively? Do you mean from the Interactive Analytics page? How are you trying to view them interactively (the more specific the better)?
Yes, this would be the interactive analytics. I assume this is a way to query for real time output, correct?
4.) When you say you are unable to view certain chart widgets do you mean they are not returning results?
Yes, for example, I know there are running VM's that do not have VMware Tools installed so they should show up, right?
I'm aware of having to reload the syslog and have done this multiple times in efforts to get the results above to display, but no luck.
Thanks for the help.